MSU Extension Parenting Classes
Flyers for MSU E. parenting classes. With the first-class starting Tuesday January 25, 2022. These classes are for anyone in Michigan.
Cooking Matters at Home: Cooking Matters is a nutrition and cooking education program for parents. The program is five 60-minute lessons.
Baby Play Time with Ms. Patti is a FREE five-week Infant/Toddler focused playtime for parents and other adults in the lives of children.
Together We Can: Creating a Healthy Future for our Family is a 4-session co-parenting workshop helping parents build upon their knowledge & skills to promote healthy family and parenting relationships. This workshop is for all parents
We know that babies have to learn to sit up before they can walk, we know they’ll usually crawl before they can run. These are typical developmental milestones that we expect to see in a predictable sequence.
Parenting is challenging! Are you having trouble with biting, tantrums or the "terrible twos?" Building Early Emotional Skills or BEES.
Early Childhood Presentation.
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